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Country of Origin: The breed was derived from the Nubian type goat (Jamunapari and Zaraibi) by crossing with English breeds in the UK in the late 19th century.


Height at withers (males & females) (cm.) : 80 to 100

Average Daily Milk Yield in the Tropics (kg.) : 0.8 to 1.2 with 4.5% fat

Color and Horn Character : Color varies but brown and white are usual. Horns when present lie flat over the coat.


Other Characteristics : It is one of the most outstanding dual purpose breed. The Anglo-Nubian is usually a big animal with fine skin, glossy coat, long pendulous ears and Roman nose and forehead. The breed has proved to be the most suited to tropical climates and used widely for upgrading indigenous stock for meat and milk in West Indies, Malaysia, Philippines and India. Average live weight varies between 60-70 kg. There are usually 2 kids in a litter.

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